Rosuvastatin administered intraperitoneally reduces the formation of postoperative adhesions in rats

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S ̧tefan Chiorescu
Nicolae Ovidiu Grad
Ion Aurel Mironiuc
Octavian Aurel Andercou


OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the present experimental research was to assess the efficacy of intraperitoneal administration of rosuvastatin in preventing the formation of postoperative peritoneal adhesions.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Peritoneal adhesions were induced in 120 male rats of the Wistar-Bratislava breed, divided into 4 groups (n=30), using a parietal and visceral abrasion model. Group I was designated as the control group; in the case of group II, a saline solution was administered intraperitoneally, while in the case of groups III and IV, rosu- vastatin solution with a concentration of 10 mg/kg and 5 mg/kg, respectively, was administered in a single dose, during laparotomy. All rats were sacrificed on the 14th postoperative day and the peritoneal adhesions were assessed macrosco- pically and microscopically.

RESULTS: The formation of peritoneal adhesions (assessed macroscopically by appreciating their number, the area cove- red, and the degree of severity) was statistically significantly more reduced in the subjects that received rosuvastatin (groups III and IV) as compared to the control group (p<0.05). The degree of fibrosis assessed microscopically was also statisti- cally significantly reduced in groups III and IV as compared to the control group (p<0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: Rosuvastatin administered intraperitoneally correlates with a reduction of peritoneal adhesions in rats.

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How to Cite
S ̧tefan Chiorescu, et al. “Rosuvastatin Administered Intraperitoneally Reduces the Formation of Postoperative Adhesions in Rats”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 89, no. 1, Jan. 2018, pp. 95-100,