Modifield musculocutaneous gracilis flap A case report
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A heterogeneous range of malignant pathologies affects vulvar and perineal regions. Today standard radical mutilating surgery for the treatment of invasive vulvar carcinoma is being replaced by a conservative and individualized approach. Defects of the external pelvis and perineal lining are usually reconstructed with local or regional fasciocutaneous flaps. However, in particular situations, the asymmetrical distribution of the defect and its location, close to sources of infec-tion such as the perineal area, may suggest a different approach. This report presents a patient who underwent conservative vulvectomy bilaterally and reconstruction with a unilateral modified gracilis flap. A V shaped incision was designed in the skin paddle of the flap, allowing it to fit the loss of substance around the remaining vulvar skin. Patient was highly satisfied with the result, she had no pain, no problem in defecation or urination nor during deambulation. In case with asymmetrical defect in the vulvo-perineal area the modified gracilis flap can be considered as a valid reconstructive option.