Neuromodulazione nel trattamento delle cicatrici della mano

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Anna Maria Spagnoli
Pasquale Fino
Paolo Fioramonti
Federico Corrias
Federico Lo Torto
Nicolò Scuderi


AIM: In the present study, we investigated effects of a local anesthetic, in the treatment of pathologic scars.

materials and methods: this retrospective report describes our experience with 97 patients who underwent lidocaine 2% injections in surgical scars of the hand. The results were evaluated using 4 parameters:cutaneous structure, pain, thikness and colour of the scar.

RESULTS: The mean outcome was the pain control. 2 out of 97 showed a 100% improvement in all the parameters.

In 95 of 97 patients the improvement was between 60-100%.

DISCUSSION: Lidocaine controls different pathways of inflammation. Flogosis is the first phase of cicatrization and so lidocaine could be used in the treatment of pathologic scars. A previous study confirms the role of lidocaine, injected to control the pillar pain in the carpal tunnel’s surgery, in the improvement of scars.

CONCLUSION: Lidocaine, as neuromodulation treatment, acts on inflammation, temperature, perfusion and partial pressure of oxygen

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How to Cite
Anna Maria Spagnoli, et al. “Neuromodulazione Nel Trattamento Delle Cicatrici Della Mano”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 83, no. 2, Mar. 2012, pp. 103-8,