Efficacy of percutaneous biliary and pancreatic duct drainage/stenting with double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenectomy
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AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of preoperative percutaneous pancreatic duct drainage (PPDD) and improve the safety of pancreatojejunal anastomosis, we refer to our experience from 2013 to 2017 that include the last series of 27 cases of PD for 14 pancreatic and 13 ampullary tumors. Apart from the standard ‛classic“ Whipple procedure in 17 cases, and the ‛modified“pylorus-preserving variant (ppPD) in 10 cases, in 26 cases a pancreaticojejunostomy and in 1 case a pancreatico gastrostomy was performed. In last series the percutaneous biliary drainage procedure in 18 cases and dual biliary + pancreatic duct decompression in 4 casas was performed. In 21 cases the biliary drainage was used as transanastomotic stent during hepaticojejunostomy and in 3 cases the pancreatic duct drainage was also used as transanastomitic stent at our method of performing the double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy.
RESULTS: Without operative mortality in our series of PD, there were however some complications requiring in two patients interventional radiologic and intensive care management, and 5 patients died at follow up period (6 months – 3 years). There was no postoperative pancreatic fistula in our last series of PD, where preoperative biliary and pancreatic duct drainage and our modified double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy was performed.
CONCLUSIONS: Despite our limited experience, we can conclude that preoperative percutaneous biliary and pancreatic drainage is feasible, safe, effective and a realistic mini invasive procedure. The preliminary results obtained with the described method of double invaginated pancreatojejunostomy with transanastomotic stent and external pancreatic duct drainage are very encouraging and indicate that this technique is less complicated and time consuming, very safe, simple, easy to perform and also applicable almost to all situations.