About a gallbladder trauma

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Giancarlo Staniscia
Oscar Potì
Erica De Nicola
Barbara Perenze


The Authors report on a rare case of blunt traumatic injury of the gallbladder. A careful clinical examination, an abdominal ultrasonography and a contrast material-enhanced computed tomography have a primary importance for a correct diagnosis. Laparoscopic surgery has an important diagnostic and, in selected cases, therapeutic role. In all traumatic gallbladder ruptures, after an accurate search of eventual associated injuries of other abdominal organs, colecistectomy is considered the treatment of choice.

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How to Cite
Staniscia, Giancarlo, et al. “About a Gallbladder Trauma”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 78, no. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 49-52, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/2635.
Case Report