Side effects and complication of Port-A-Cath

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Claudio Iannarone
Fabrizio Sacco
Marco Micozzi
Alessandra Fegiz
Silvia Fiorelli
Vincenza Vendittelli
Giovanni Pinto


Central venous catheter techniques find at present use for administering of NPT, for the drug injection ( especially chemiotherapeutic drugs) because of the possible damage of a few substances when perfused in a peripheral way. At present port-a-cath find their most extensive use: these are systems which can be set up and tolerated for many months. For the access to subclavian vein must be necessary put in supine decubitus, with light Trendelenburg position, with the opposite arm along the body and the head turned on the opposite side.

In this way the clavicle is in perpendicular position with regard to the sternal handlebar, except for patient affected with bpco, kypho-scoliosis, scapular-homeral arthrosis. In these patients the clavicle can put on a particular course, oblique and upper as to the sternal articular face.

So there is a serious obstacle to the passage to the metal needle under the clavicle.

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How to Cite
Iannarone, Claudio, et al. “Side Effects and Complication of Port-A-Cath”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 1, no. October, Oct. 2012, pp. 1-4,
Case Report