A new surgical approach for the treatment of Rhinophyma

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Paola Bonavolontà
Dell’Aversana Orabona Giovanni
Federica Goglia
Antonio Romano
Vincenzo Abbate
Antonio Arena
Giorgio Iaconetta
Luigi Califano


BACKGROUND: Rhinophyma is a rare and benign pathological condition affecting the nose. It can be localized or generalized causing a nasal deformity, mainly of the lower 2/3 of the nose. Clinically, rhinophyma is characterized by the
aberrant development of the vascularization of the skin of the nose. The nose becomes particularly sensitive, and even a
minimal external trauma can cause bleeding. Different treatment methods have been described during the last few years,
but surgery still remains the gold standard. The aim is to obtain a reduction of the abnormal tissue, by debulking and
fine contouring followed by hemostasis and a very careful postoperative care. Herein we report one case of Rhinophyma
treated with the Microdebrider (Storz®).

CASE REPORT: A 70 year old male with a diagnosis of rhinophyma was admitted to the Department of Maxillo-Facial
Surgery of “Federico II” University of Naples. The patient underwent a debridment of rhinophyma, combining dermabrasion and decortication, using a Microdebrider (Storz®). After the surgery, the wound was covered with an advanced
dressing, a collagen sponge equina (Condress®) applied at the end of the procedure and routinely during the follow up
control to promote the healing process.

CONCLUSION: After 2 months the patient was completely healed without any complications and without any signs of
recurrence, obtaining a good aesthetic and functional result. After 25 months of follow up the result is still stable.

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How to Cite
Bonavolontà, Paola, et al. “A New Surgical Approach for the Treatment of Rhinophyma”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 9, no. September, Oct. 2020, pp. 1-4, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/520.
Case Report