Global avulsion of the globe associated with frontal sinus and naso-orbital-ethmoid (FSNOE) complex fracture. A rare case report and short literature review
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INTRODUCTION: Post-traumatic avulsion of the globe is a rare and uncommon pathology with serious morpho-physiological, cosmetic and aesthetic implications. The association with complex fractures of the skull increases the morbidity and complexity of the case.
CASE REPORT: We present a rare case of FSNOE complex fracture associated with avulsion of the left globe, with complete sectioning of the optic nerve and loss of vision.
DISSCUSION: The prompt diagnosis and the immediate establishment of a correct multidisciplinary treatment, led to the favorable evolution of the case. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the skull architecture and resizing of the orbital contour, as well as successful prosthesis of the eyeball concured for a satisfactory anatomic and cosmetic result.
CONCLUSION: The therapeutic decision to reposition the globe in the case of complete avulsion should be made depending on the severity of associated lesions, the patient’s general state, age, and the risk of potential postoperative complications.