A rare case of pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis with bowel perforation and secondary sepsis

Main Article Content

Fulvio Manzi
Gabriele D’Amata
Gaetano Florio
Martino Demoro
Fabio Antonellis
Luca Musmeci
Sergio Santella
Andrea Giannetti
Mauro Del Papa


MATERIALS AND METHODS: We present here the case of an 83 y.o. male with intestinal perforation from pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis and consequent sepsis.

RESULTS: The patient underwent urgency intestinal resection in our institute, with complete restitution ad integrum Discussion: Pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis is a rare affection, which can be categorized as primary (15%) or idiopathic(85%). The clinical appearance can be very variable from patient to patient, since it can be completely asymptomatic or start with life-threatening clinical presentation of bowel perforation and sepsis. There are various theories about the formation of the gas bubbles trough the intestinal wall. The mechanical theory assumes that the gas, tearing trough the intestinal wall seeps trough it. The bacterial theory assumes that antibiotic treatment, such as with metronidazole, allows the creation of gas by microbiological elements like Clostridium Perfringens or Clostridium Difficile. The pulmonary theory, instead, assumes that air released from ruptured alveoli gets into the mediastinum and retro peritoneum, reaching the intestinal tract. The treatment is conservative most of the times, except for the cases of intestinal perforation and sepsis.

CONCLUSIONS: Despite of the long history of the disease, with the first description in 1783, little is known nowadays about PCI, due to the rarity of symptomatic disease. Further studies are needed to better evaluate the aetiology of the condition, and the prognostic criteria, which may be very important for clinical decisions about conservative or surgical treatment.

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How to Cite
Manzi, Fulvio, et al. “A Rare Case of Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis With Bowel Perforation and Secondary Sepsis”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 10, no. October, Oct. 2021, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/791.
Case Report
Author Biographies

Fulvio Manzi, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Gabriele D’Amata, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Gaetano Florio, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Martino Demoro, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Fabio Antonellis, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Luca Musmeci, Division of General Surgery ASL Roma 5 “Parodi Delifino” Hospital Colleferro (Roma), Italy




Sergio Santella, Division of General and Emergency Surgery, AUSL Romagna “Infermi” Hospital Rimini (Rimini), Italy




Andrea Giannetti, Division of General and Emergency Surgery, AUSL Romagna “Infermi” Hospital Rimini (Rimini), Italy




Mauro Del Papa, Division of General and Emergency Surgery, AUSL Romagna “Infermi” Hospital Rimini (Rimini), Italy