Ann. Ital. Chir.
1, 1922
ISSN 0003 – 469 X JC: 5C0
WI AN 541 A34230000″

“Original bibliographic identification”

Annali Italiani di Chirurgia is the oldest national surgery journal in Italy. To put it in a historical perspective, it was founded in 1922, the same year as the March on Rome, and thus at the time when a nationalistic movement took hold of unified postwar Italy. The journal was founded by Professor Giovanni Pascale, who was a surgeon at the Federico II University in Naples, a senator of the kingdom of Italy, and the founder of the Tumor Institute in Naples, and by Licino Cappelli, who was the director of the prestigious Licini Cappelli Editore publishing house in Bologna. Annali Italiani di Chirurgia was always listed in international guides to articles, first in the Index Medicus, and then in MEDLARS, the computerized index system of the US National Library of Medicine.

Open Access

All manuscripts published in Annali Italiani di Chirurgia are open-access, meaning they are freely accessible worldwide and licensed for reuse. This offers numerous benefits: Authors retain copyright under the CC-BY license, ensuring ownership of their works.

By removing access barriers to published research, open access makes research findings available to everyone, thereby driving forward the pace and strength of global innovation and invention. This means that an author's work has the best chance of being read, cited, and shared.

Subject Matter and Language

Annali Italiani di Chirurgia is a monthly journal and covers all aspects of surgery: elective, emergency and experimental surgery, as well as problems involving technology, teaching, organization and forensic medicine. To facilitate the international dissemination of the journal, Annali Italiani di Chirurgia will transition its publication language to English starting in 2024 (v.Guidelines for Authors and Norme per gli Autori). The types of articles most likely to be accepted for publication are:
a) Results of original research on a topic of current interest;
b) Updates on topics with contributions from personal experience;
c) Prospective case studies;
d) Evaluations of personal case series together with a thorough and complete review of the literature;
e) Particular topics with the opinions of the authors;
f) Proposals of new surgical techniques;
g) Technical innovations.

The following are also accepted:
a) Editorials by one author reviewing a topic or comparing viewpoints on a subject of interest;
b) Case reports describing unusual cases;
c) Reports on multicentric studies.

International guides to articles

Until 1997, Annali Italiani di Chirurgia was listed in Index Medicus, and it is now on MEDLARS and MEDLINE (PubMed), a service provided by the US National Library of Medicine and the National Institute of Health.
In 1994 the Institute for Scientific Information (I.S.I., 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104) included Annali Italiani di Chirurgia in the program “The Genuine Article” which furnishes scientific documents protected by copyright to the whole scientific community, on request, using the database of the British library in which Annali Italiani di Chirurgia is listed.

“Since 2009 the journal has been awarded of Impact Factor”

Title: Annali italiani di chirurgia
ISSN: 0003-469X(Print)/2239-253X (Electronic)
Title Abbreviation: Ann Ital Chir
Publication Start Year: 1922
Language: English
Country: Italy
Subject Term(s): Surgery
NLM ID: 0372343
Publication Frequency: Monthly
Current Impact Factor: 0.9
Scopus CiteScore: 0.9
JCR Category Rank: Q3 in SURGERY