Adductor canal compression syndrome. A forgotten disease

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Paolo Sapienza
Elvira Tartaglia
Luigi Venturini
Piero Gallo
Luca di Marzo


Superficial femoral vessels entrapped at the level of the adductor canal are rarely described.
We first report the case of a young patient who practices professional soccer, affected with superficial femoral vein and artery occlusion due to a hypertrophied vastus medialis and adductor magnus at the Hunter’s canal outlet. A careful literature  search through MedLine was performed to elucidate the fascinating aspect of this occurrence.

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How to Cite
Sapienza, Paolo, et al. “Adductor Canal Compression Syndrome. A Forgotten Disease”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 3, no. December, Dec. 2014, pp. 1-4,
Case Report