Gallbladder carcinoma. Surgical management of gallblad-der carcinoma.
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BACKGROUND & AIMS: Gallbladder carcinoma is a rare yet very aggressive cancer. In this study we evaluate the presentation, staging, procedures, complications and survival of patients with gallbladder carcinoma.
MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data at presentation, operative findings, postoperative evolution, complications and survival data were analyzed for 37 patients with gallbladder carcinoma (as cohort study) confirmed at histopathology between January 2005 and December 2011 in Surgical Department of Regional Institute of Gastroenterology And Hepatology “Octavian Fodor” Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
RESULTS: In 12 cases we had the suspicion of GBC (gallbladder carcinoma) before surgery, in 6 cases GBC was suspected intraoperatory and in 19 cases only after the histopathology exam. Radical cholecystectomy was considered in 9 cases (24.32%): 4 cases with cholecystectomy alone (patients with Tis-T1) and in 5 cases liver resection was associated.
CONCLUSION: The GBC has a low incidence (0.35% out of all cholecystectomies), the females being more affected (F:B=4.3:1). GBC was associated with low resecability rate (24.32%) and having a bad prognosis (survival under a year in stages T3 and T4). In most cases the diagnosis was hidden by an acute inflammatory process (acute cholecystitis) and the diagnosis was made after surgical intervention, therefore, the histopathology is crucial in these situations.