Intractable external pancreatic fistula post-necrosectomy treated successfully with a fistulojejunostomy
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Pancreatic fistula formation is a known complication of pancreatic surgery, pancreatitis, and pancreatic injury.
We here report a case of a 65-year-old man who was diagnosed with gallstone-induced acute pancreatitis with walledoff pancreatic necrosis. The patient initially underwent medical treatment and percutaneous drainage at 4 weeks. After
a four-week period, a formal laparotomy with necrosectomy, and the catheter drainage of the cavity were performed.
Having postoperatively developed a pancreatic fistula, the patient was managed conservatively. After 6 weeks of medical
treatment, patient underwent an endoscopic retrograde pancreatography and was diagnosed with disconnected duct syndrome. The conservative management was continued for 3 more months. Pancreatic duct stenting was attempted but was
not successful in cannulating the disconnected duct, and he was finally planned for a Roux-en-Y fistulojejnuostomy. The
fistulojejunostomy was performed on an average of 6 months after placement of peri-pancreatic drain. The patient recovered uneventfully and is doing well at a 12-month follow-up.
Refractory external pancreatic fistula is defined as an external pancreatic fistula not resolving with these measures for
longer than 6 weeks. Most fistulas developing after acute pancreatitis are related directly to the need for necrosectomy
to treat infected necrosis. Patients are initially approached conservatively. When patients fail to respond to either percutaneous drainage, endoscopic interventions, or novel techniques, operative intervention is the most viable approach to
treat the fistula.
Fistulojejunostomy is a safe and effective treatment for intractable pancreatic fistula having the benefit of avoiding a
difficult major pancreatic resectional surgery, along with low postoperative morbidity and mortality.