Damage Control Strategy and aggressive resuscitation in polytraumatized patient with severe hypothermia. Importance of multidisciplinary management from the territory to the operating room Case report

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Giovanni Bellanova
Alessandro Motta
Chiara Mazzetti
Michele Motter
Luca Fabris
Giorgio DeVigili
Gerardo Liguori


AIM: Our objective is to describe a case of hypothermic politrauma management in our country.

MATERIAL OF STUDY: We report the case of a 29-year-old male who was a beating victim and fell off from 4 meters, and was afterwards found after an unknown time interval. The patient came to our DEA in cardiac arrest and underwent to a aggressive and prolonged resuscitation which included sternotomy and extracorporeal circulation.

RESULTS: The patient was discharged in 40th postoperative day without neurologic complications and complete recovery.

DISCUSSION: Even without a dedicated protocol for the hypothermic politrauma the correct multidisciplinary approach lead to the complete recovery of the patient. In literature many papers describe the aggressive resuscitation of hypothermic patients underlining that the politrauma management must be multidisciplinar.

CONCLUSION: We want to underline the importance of the “Damage control strategy” in a politrauma team in the major hospitals in our country.

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How to Cite
Bellanova, Giovanni, et al. “Damage Control Strategy and Aggressive Resuscitation in Polytraumatized Patient With Severe Hypothermia. Importance of Multidisciplinary Management from the Territory to the Operating Room Case Report”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 84, no. 4, July 2013, pp. 445-9, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/2881.
Case Report