Duplication cyst of the stomach with respiratory epithelium in adult: an uncommon finding. Report of case and review of literature

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Severino Montemurro
Carmine Cartanese
Raffaele De Luca
Francesco Alfredo Zito
Girolamo Ranieri
Eustachio Ruggieri


Gastrointestinal duplication is a congenital rare disease entity. Duplication cyst of the stomach with pseudo stratified columnar ciliated epithelium is extremely rare. The very appearance of a gastric duplication cyst in an adult can present a diagnostic dilemma. In majority of reported cases, the diagnosis is established during surgical exploration. We report on a 34 year-old female patient suffering from repeated episodes of epigastric pain and gastroesophageal reflux.

Abdominal computed tomography and endoscopic ultrasound demonstrated a intramural lesion attached to the gastric fundus, suggestive of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). At exploratory laparotomy a non-communicating cyst, was found along the greater curvature of the stomach in the esophagogastric transition. The lesion was excised along with an adjacent sleeve of the stomach and esophagus wall because shared muscular layer with the stomach and esophagus.

The final pathologic examination revealed that the inner wall of the cyst was lined by a pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium (respiratory type) and, in part, columnar and gastric foveolar epithelium. Even though a panel of imaging modalities is available, it is still difficult to obtain a preoperative diagnosis. Duplication cyst can be mistaken for a soft tissue tumor of the gastrointestinal tract. There is no therapeutic algorithm. Surgical treatment is recommended for symptomatic cases.

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How to Cite
Montemurro, Severino, et al. “Duplication Cyst of the Stomach With Respiratory Epithelium in Adult: An Uncommon Finding. Report of Case and Review of Literature”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 82, no. 6, Nov. 2011, pp. 487-91, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/3081.
Case Report