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Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become the treatment of choice for gallbladder stones. As a matter of fact, the advantages related to the significant reduction of postoperative pain and the early mobilization of the patient, with a decrease of general surgical risk, have been well demonstrated. Also the complications of the surgical wound have been drastically reduced. On the contrary, iatrogenic trocarrelated injuries represent specific complications of laparoscopic technique. However, the incidence of these complications, mostly the more severe ones, may be significantly reduced with routine use of the “open” technique. The increased incidence of common bile duct (CBD) injuries in laparoscopic cholecystectomy compared with the conventional technique may be partly explained with the learning curve related to the rapid diffusion of this new approach. An appropriate training, a meticulous operative technique and an early conversion to open procedure in case of intraoperative difficulties may reduce the risk of a CBD injury.
In this work the authors ’ experience of 400 laparoscopic cholecystectomies without CBD injury and major complications is presented. Conversion rate was 5.2% in patients with simple symptomatic cholelithiasis and 37.5% in patients with acute or subacute cholecystitis.