Hepatogonadal fusion (HGF), a rare cause of undescended testis. 7th case in the Literature

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Taner Kamaci
Mehmet Sarikaya


BACKGROUND: Hepatogonadal fusion (HGF). It is a rare congenital anomaly characterized by the fusion of the liver and gonads in the intrauterine period. We report the 7th hepatogonadal fusion case in the literature and its treatment.

CASE PRESENTATION: In the physical examination of a 4-month-old male patient who applied with the complaint of recurrent swelling in the right inguinal region, a right inguinal hernia was detected and the right testis could not be palpated. The patient underwent laparoscopy. It was observed that the right testis was in the abdomen at the level of the inner ring of the inguinal canal and adhered to the level of the liver segment 6 with a thick band. Hepatogonadal fusion was separated, then hernia repair and orchidopexy were performed. The patient was discharged on the 1st postoperative day. Both testes of the patient were palpable in the scrotum at the 6th month postoperative follow-up.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, HGF may cause undescended testis with intra-abdominal localization. The use of laparoscopy in intrabdominal testis cases is a very accurate choice in the diagnosis and treatment of rare cases such as HGF

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How to Cite
Taner Kamaci, and Mehmet Sarikaya. “Hepatogonadal Fusion (HGF), a Rare Cause of Undescended Testis. : 7th Case in the Literature”. Annali Italiani Di Chirurgia, vol. 12, no. September, Sept. 2023, pp. 1-4, https://annaliitalianidichirurgia.it/index.php/aic/article/view/698.
Case Report