Surgical Management of Melanoma and Skin Cancer: Updates on Surgical Strategies and their Effectiveness

Submission Deadline: 31 July 2025 (Status: Open)


Special Issue Editor(s)

Piero Covarelli     Email   |   Website
Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Interests: melanoma; soft tissue sarcoma; breast cancer

Roberto Cirocchi     Email   |   Website
Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy
Interests: surgical anatomy; diverticular disease; emergency surgery; trauma; melanoma


Special Issue Information

Dear Colleagues,

Recent advancements in surgical techniques have significantly transformed the management of melanoma and skin cancer. This special issue focuses on the latest updates and effectiveness of surgical strategies in treating these conditions. With an increasing emphasis on early detection and personalized treatment, surgeons are now employing innovative procedures to improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

This issue explores a range of topics, including the evolution of surgical techniques such as Mohs micrographic surgery and sentinel lymph node biopsy and the integration of novel technologies like robotic-assisted surgery and fluorescence-guided imaging. Additionally, it examines the role of adjuvant therapies in enhancing surgical outcomes and reducing recurrence rates. By synthesizing current research findings and clinical experiences, this collection provides comprehensive insights into the contemporary landscape of surgical management for melanoma and skin cancer.

Prof. Piero Covarelli and Prof. Roberto Cirocchi
Guest Editors



melanoma; skin cancer; surgical management; Mohs micrographic surgery; sentinel lymph node biopsy; robotic-assisted surgery


Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscripts for special issues should be submitted to Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría before the deadline. Research articles, systematic review articles, review articles, case reports, as well as letters are invited. Submissions must align with the journal's aims and scope, and also fit the specific research theme of the special issue. All special issue manuscripts will undergo the same peer review process as regular submissions. The Editor-in-Chief oversees all journal content. If the manuscript is authored by the editor themselves, the editorial team, or family members of the research group, the editor will never be involved in this process; or even if there is a close professional relationship between the author and parties involved in the editorial process. If the editorial team finds a manuscript or an entire special issue does not meet quality standards, it may be rejected. Any disputes arising during the editorial process will be resolved by the Editor-in-Chief. For more information, please refer to the Author Guidelines and Special Issues Guidelines.


Published Paper(s)

Electrochemotherapy for Cancers Affecting the Skin: Ten Years of
Experience in a Tertiary Referral Hospital

Piero Covarelli, Carlo Boselli, Francesco Barberini, Matteo Matteucci, Georgi Popivanov, Vincenzo De Giorgi, Gianmarco Tomassini, Mario Mandalà, Roberto Cirocchi
